A presentation on the heart of accessibility and accommodation.
It is typical for an individual to seek out a work place that accommodates his or her need for safety, comfort, expression, and growth. While an employee who has a disability may require special adaptations in the work environment, his or her need for safety, comfort, expression, and growth is not different from the typical employee.
Access to these basic needs can be had when you create a disability-friendly work place, which is a work environment that is:
- Accepting of responsibility.
- Conscious of diversity.
- Created for anonymity.
- Equipped for adjustments.
- Structured for self-determination.
- Sensitive to change.
Creating a Disability-Friendly Work place is offered either as a keynote or as an interactive workshop. Clients usually request the keynote presentation (30 to 60 minutes long, depending on the program schedule) to augment a luncheon, or banquet program. The workshop format (90 minutes to 3 hours) aids participants in developing a sensitivity to a variety of disabilities and an openness to talk about them.
Looking forward to serving you to meet your professional speaking needs.