In this thought-provoking, live presentation (delivered before a Toastmasters audience in New York City), Dana LaMon sets forth 8 principles that will manifest themselves in the person who is committed to excellence. Using personal stories and humor, he inspires and motivates you to incorporate excellence as a standard for beginning a project rather than a goal for the end of one.
Price: $20.00
In this entertaining, live presentation (delivered before an audience in New York City), Dana LaMon offers five characteristics of the person who will succeed notwithstanding the challenges he or she faces. Starting with the story of his first driving a car at age 24 even though he is blind, he shows you how to overcome adversity.
Price: $20.00
In this cogent, live presentation (delivered before a service organization in southern California), Dana LaMon offers six gauges for determining whether you will benefit from change. Using clear examples of the different ways that we respond to change, he encourages you to look at change as the prime opportunity to grow.
Price: $20.00
In this thought-provoking, live presentation (delivered before an association in Washington), Dana LaMon lays the foundation for incorporating the concept of excellence in your life as well as in your work. Using personal stories and humor, he motivates you to commit to excellence, not as a goal, but as a guiding principle.
Price: $20.00
In this dynamic, live presentation (delivered before a government agency in Southern California), Dana LaMon motivates and inspires the audience to make each moment of life meaningful. Explaining the four factors of meaningfulness, he entertains with personal stories and humor.
Price: $20.00